Where do we plug in? Mid ocean ridges steadily release enough energy to generate five times the electricity the world needs and if combined with fuel cell technology could also replace fuels used for transportation. Wouldn’t it be great if we could meet all of our energy needs by plugging into a source that is already distributed throughout the world? Let’s innovate our way out of the problems that coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power are causing today. We have the technology, it is time we put it to use.

Why ocean geothermal energy is the answer?

  • The energy produced from geothermal is baseload and could meet energy demands when wind and solar power are offline.
  • The earth’s crust is thinnest at the ocean ridges which makes it possible to reach super critical temperatures easier than on land.
  • Most land based geothermal wells do not achieve super critical temperatures.
  • The super critical temperature enables higher efficiency C02 turbine generators to operate and provide ten times the power output of steam turbines.
  • The water pressure in deep water enable the turbines to operate more efficiently.
  • The water pressure and high temperatures also makes the heat exchange process cleaner eliminating the production of dangerous substances typical of steam generation in a land based geothermal plant.
  • The mid ocean ridges are already releasing huge amounts of energy.
  • The mid ocean ridges are in deep water far from the coast. The first proposed site is 200 miles out to sea.